Sunday, February 17, 2008

Digital data

This is a summary of the Chapter 7 lecture on digital data.

There are 4 things we need to consider with digital data:
1. who produces the data?
2. is it vector or raster data?
3. what is the scale and accuracy of the data?
4. what is the content of the data?
* also, data is not usually in the shape and size you need. have to manipulate it for your purpose.

There are many different digital data sources:

* NLCD (National Land Cover Datasets)
*DRG (Digital Raster Graphic)
*DLG (Digital Line Graphs)
*DOQ (Digital Orthophoto Quads)
*National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
*Digital Soils Data

*DEM (Digital Elevation Models)- these are really neat; raster data set, resolution is down to 20' b.c of recent flooding and the need to better map flood zones, each cell has a value of elevation, derived from LIDAR, it's the highest resolution data we've ever had for elevation-type stuff, *hillshade is cool*

*Buncombe County Digital Data?

* TIGER/Census data (Topologically Integrated Geographic......)

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